Our Blog
Is Work-Related Stress Covered by Texas Workers’ Comp?
Workers in Texas are not only at risk of physical injuries from their jobs. Employees can also suffer mental and psychological harm from excessive stress in the workplace or witnessing unusually traumatic events. It is important to note, however, that the Texas workers’ compensation system typically does not cover stress. In general, you can…
Common Causes of On-the-Job Injuries in the United States
Many risks and hazards can cause serious injuries and even deaths while at work in the United States. Sadly, not all employers take the safety and health of their employees seriously. This increases the odds of workplace disasters. According to the Texas Department of Insurance, there were a total of 178,600 reportable non-fatal work…
What If No One Witnessed Your Work Injury?
If you get injured in a work-related accident, you may qualify for workers’ compensation and/or a settlement from a personal injury claim in Texas. A key piece of evidence used in most work injury claims is eyewitness accounts. If no one was around to witness your work injury, however, this does not mean that…

The Key to a Safe Workplace Could Be Fewer Transportation Accidents
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the number of workplace fatalities have increased for several years in a tow. Back in 2016, there were 5,190 workplace fatalities. Not only was that a seven percent increase from 2015, but it also was the first time…

Q&A: Dealing With COVID-19 From a Workplace Safety Perspective
There is little doubt that the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has employers of all types and sizes and in most industries thinking more about workplace safety than they have in the past, especially the last few years. This is true whether an employer is in San Antonio, unincorporated Bexar County, the state of Texas…

Protect the Bottom Line by Preventing Workplace Slips, Trips, and Falls
Even though there have been many regulations designed to mitigate the problem for many years, slips, trips and falls are still among the most common workplace accidents every year and the conditions leading to them are still among the most common issues cited during workplace inspections undertaken by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration…

The Importance of Working Safely Around Elecricity
In this, the seventh in a series regarding the importance of safety in the workplace, we discuss the importance of working safely around electricity. Electricity is such a common part of life that it is all too easy to take for granted and to forget the dangers associated with its use. It is too…

The Importance of Workplace Safety When Working Around Heavy Equipment
In this, the sixth post in our series on the importance of workplace safety in San Antonio and Texas in general, we start with a story that hit the news earlier this year. It probably seems like a long time ago, but before the pandemic shut everything down and forced many of us to…

NYC Scaffolding Collapse Reminds Us of the Need for Scaffolding Safety in Texas
With this, the fifth entry in our ongoing series on the state of workplace safety in San Antonio, Bexar County, and Texas in general, we discuss another of the most common safety issues in the state, having to do with the use of scaffolding at work sites. Then, last week, the news brought the…
On the Job Heat Stroke Risks
Texas workers have to deal with a lot of dangers when they go to work. First, Texas has a poor record when it comes to protecting workers. Also, Texas has a very large number of workers in industries with high incidences of injuries and fatalities. The oil and gas industry, construction industries, and roofers,…