Common Rear-End Collision Injuries in Texas

A rear-end collision occurs when the front of one vehicle crashes into the rear of another. These accidents most commonly stem from driver errors such as driving while distracted, drowsy or drunk, as well as tailgating and speeding. They can cause minor injuries at slow speeds or catastrophic and fatal injuries at higher speeds. After a rear-end collision in Texas that causes any type of injury, learn your rights as a victim with help from a car accident attorney.


Whiplash is a very common injury victims have after rear-end collisions. Whiplash occurs when a car accident or something else forces the head and neck to whip quickly backward and forward, with enough intensity to injure, strain or tear the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the neck. Whiplash is a painful injury that can have many symptoms.

  • Pain or tenderness in the neck, upper arms or shoulders
  • Mobility problems in the head and neck
  • Neck stiffness
  • Persistent headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Tingling in the arms
  • Fatigue
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Blurred vision
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Depression or irritability

Many rear-end collision victims do not notice the symptoms of whiplash right away, although most do within 24 hours. It can take several hours for the adrenaline of a crash to wear off and for a victim to notice pain, tenderness or soreness around the neck or back. Some victims may even take a few days to recognize the signs of whiplash. This is why it is important to see a doctor for an official diagnosis right away, even if you feel fine after a rear-end collision.

Back Injuries

When a vehicle strikes yours from behind, the forces exerted could compress your spinal cord, leading to injuries with its vertebrae and/or disks. A compressed spine could have slipped disks or disk herniation, leading to immobility or chronic pain. The forces of the crash could also cause back injuries such as muscle strains, sprains, and fractured vertebrae. Back and spine injuries are serious and may require surgeries for treatment. A severe spine injury in a catastrophic rear-end collision could paralyze the victim for life.

Head and Brain Injuries

If the rear-end collision forces your head to strike an object inside the vehicle, such as the steering wheel or dashboard, you could suffer a concussion or another type of traumatic brain injury. You could also sustain a head injury or skull fracture. Traumatic brain injuries in rear-end collisions can have symptoms such as blackouts, memory loss, headaches, confusion, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and seizures. Severe brain injuries may have long-term or permanent symptoms.

Airbag Injuries

An airbag might deploy during a rear-end collision if the impact was strong enough to trigger the vehicle’s airbag sensors. While an airbag might protect you from some serious injuries, it could cause others. Airbag injuries are relatively common in rear-end collisions in Texas. These injuries can include burns or skin irritation from airbag chemicals, face and head injuries, and even fractures. If your airbag contains a product defect, it could explode or otherwise malfunction and cause additional serious injuries.

Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are also relatively common in rear-end collisions, especially when the victim fails to wear a seat belt. A rear-end crash could injure your knee by propelling you forward, forcing your knee into the ignition, keys and/or dashboard of the vehicle. Knee and lower extremity injuries can include fractures and muscle tears or strains that are painful and debilitating.

A serious rear-end collision could cause many different personal injuries throughout the body: broken bones, soft-tissue injuries, internal organ damage, lacerations, burn injuries, and more. Contact a lawyer after any injury in a Texas rear-end collision to find out if you are eligible for financial compensation.

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