Motorcycle accidents have been a growing problem in San Antonio for quite some time now. In fact, for a while, in the state of Texas, San Antonio was second only to Houston when it came to the number of motorcycle accidents.
A Deadly Weekend for Motorcycles
There were a few significant motorcycle accidents in the area last weekend, which served to point up the extent of the problem.
For example, just this past Saturday, a motorcyclist who was traveling in the 12000 block of O’Connor Road at about 8:45 p.m. The motorcycle was moving toward Interstate 35 suffered a fatal crash. According to police, the motorcycle was traveling at “a high rate of speed” at the time of the crash, which killed the rider.
In their report, San Antonio Police said the man, who was in his 30s, lost control of the motorcycle, flew off the bike and hit a nearby minivan. He was then transported to Brooke Army Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. As of now, the investigation is ongoing and it is unclear what caused the bike to crash. There is so far no indication that he was struck by another vehicle or that he was wearing a helmet.
There was another motorcycle accident very early in the morning of the same day, at about 12:15 a.m. That accident happened as three motorcyclists were traveling south on Military Road. One of the bikers noticed that one of the others was missing, so he turned back on Military Road to look for him. About a half-mile down the road, he noticed a bike down, with a body a little further down the road. The body was later identified as motorcyclist Albert Hune, who was pronounced dead on arrival at a local hospital. Police are conducting a full investigation, which included questioning the other two bikers, who claim they have no idea what happened. Mr. Hune was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. SAPD is continuing to investigate the accident.
San Antonio Motorcycle Accident Statistics Are Interesting
There are a number of natural disadvantages present when riding a motorcycle. For one thing, they are less crashworthy than closed vehicles. Also, they are less stable than four-wheel vehicles and less visible to other drivers and pedestrians than other vehicles because of their size. Motorcycles are also more vulnerable to weather and road conditions than other vehicles. That’s why the operation of a motorcycle requires a different skill set than the operation of any other type of vehicle.
San Antonio features a number of startling motorcycle accident statistics that may serve as a guide for biker and other drivers to avoid accidents.
For example, of all San Antonio motorcycle accidents, only 25 percent are single motorcycle accidents, which means 75 percent involve a motorcycle and another vehicle. Among the single motorcycle accidents, two-thirds of those were caused by operator error. In most cases, the operator error was evidenced by the operator laying the bike down or falling. The most common error was braking too quickly or over-compensating when negotiating a curve at an unsafe (high) speed.
Alcohol was involved in roughly half of San Antonio motorcycle accidents and in those cases where alcohol, speed, and size of the bike are all cited as joint factors, the severity of injuries sustained by riders tend to be a lot more severe and there is a greater chance of a fatality. Two-thirds of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio occurred because the larger vehicle failed to yield the right-of-way to the motorcycle.
Accident Prevention Can Be Done
Approximately three percent of single motorcycle accidents in San Antonio occur due to a vehicle failure from a tire puncture. On the other hand, it should surprise no one that fewer than two percent of San Antonio motorcycle accidents are weather-related. The single greatest factor cited in the motorcycle accidents occurring in San Antonio, however, is the failure of the driver of an automobile to be aware of the presence of motorcycle traffic. That points to automobile drivers negligence in far too many San Antonio motorcycle accidents.
San Antonio motorcycle accident statistics are similar to those at the national level, and when you look at them closely, the best way to prevent these accidents is to raise awareness. All drivers should pay closer attention to their surroundings. Put down the cellphones and other electronic gadgets and pay closer attention to the act of driving, and everyone will be safer.