Preventing Wrong Way Driving Accidents

States Search for Solutions Drivers who end up going the wrong way on a restricted roadway, such as a freeway or a turnpike, can become a major risk to the others on the road and cause very serious head-on collisions. It’s been known for decades that most such drivers get in that position by…

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North Texas Wrong Way Driving Accident

Wrong-Way Driving Accident in Denton Based on the news reports, instances of wrong-way driving on Texas highways are far more prevalent than previously thought. Such drivers are obviously a very real danger to everyone else on the highway, and the Texas Department of Transportation is conducting research into solutions to the problem, especially considering…

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All Methods of Texting and Driving Dangerous

All Methods of Texting and Driving Dangerous: Study Shows All Methods of Texting Dangerous It’s easy to see how typing out a text message on a cell phone while you’re actively driving a car down a highway can be dangerous. That’s why many of us have looked into alternatives, such as Siri’s speech-to-text technology,…

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Texas Road Safety Laws Inadequate According to New Report

Texas ranks at the bottom in a new report grading states based on traffic safety laws.  A new report released by the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (AHAS), entitled “Roadmap of State Highway Safety Laws.” According to the report, Texas has one of the worst records among the states for passing highway safety…

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