Evidence You Should Preserve After a Car Crash

Car Accident Evidence

Building a car accident claim from day one is important to strengthen your ability to recover compensation from the party at fault. If you have serious injuries or property damages, collecting evidence could help you file a stronger claim with the other driver’s insurance company. When it is possible, all crash survivors should preserve key types of evidence. Then, they should bring this evidence to a San Antonio car accident lawyer for a free case assessment.

Importance of Preserving Car Accident Evidence

Evidence is essential to your car accident claim. The at-fault driver’s insurance company will not be on your side. It will want to save money by reducing or eliminating your payout. You may have to fight for a fair recovery, therefore, using the evidence gathered. If your car accident case has to go to trial in Texas, it will be your responsibility to prove the other person’s fault as more likely to be true than not true (a preponderance of the evidence). Fulfilling this burden of proof will require certain types of evidence to establish the other driver’s negligence or recklessness.

Photographs and Videos

One of the strongest forms of evidence during a car accident claim is photographs and videos of the scene of the wreck. Pictures of different angles of the crash can help investigators understand what happened. Photos of the positions of the cars and vehicle damage, for example, could help an accident reconstructionist piece together who hit whom. Take as many pictures and videos as possible, with the date stamp on, while still at the scene of your car accident.

Take close-up photos of damages as well as landscape style photos of the entire crash scene. If you notice any relevant details, such as a broken traffic light, pothole, or obscured road sign, take pictures of the dangerous condition. Document everything to provide as complete an image of the crash scene as possible. Take photos of your injuries as well. If you cannot get photos on the day of your accident, return to the scene as soon as you can to take pictures.

Eyewitness Statements

Gather information from anyone present at the scene of your car accident. Eyewitnesses may be able to help you prove how and why the car accident occurred. Obtain the names and contact numbers of any eyewitnesses. If they are willing, have them write down or record statements for you while the details are still fresh in their minds. Obtain the information of the other driver as well, including a description of his or her vehicle, license plate numbers, contact information, and insurance information.

Copy of Police Report

Call the police from the scene of any car accident in San Antonio that causes serious property damages, injuries, or deaths. Tell your side of the story to the responding police officer, but do not admit any fault for the crash. If you believe the other driver caused the crash, make this clear to the officer. Ask for the name of the officer and your police report number. You will use this number later to track down your police report and request a copy from the local police station or Department of Motor Vehicles. The police report can contain important evidence such as statements from witnesses, a citation against the other driver and official photographs.

Medical Records

Receive medical care right away after a harmful car accident in Texas. Go to the nearest hospital without delay. Keep copies of medical evidence, including scans, x-rays and reports from your doctor. If given a treatment plan, stick to its requirements precisely. Document every step of your medical care for future reference.

Keep a personal injury journal where you describe how you are feeling and how the injury has impacted your life. Medical and injury documentation could help you prove the extent of your injuries and damages to an insurance company. Contact a qualified injury lawyer in San Antonio soon after your crash for assistance with the claims process and evidence collection.

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