New Braunfels Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Attorney

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a serious illness that can have lifelong effects. At Hill Law Firm, we can help you seek justice if you or a loved one is a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning in or around New Braunfels. Our New Braunfels personal injury attorneys can hold one or more parties accountable on your behalf, such as the manufacturer of a defective product or the owner of a dangerous property. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Why Choose Our Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Attorney?

  • Our case results showcase our ability to achieve successful settlements and verdicts. We have acquired millions of dollars on behalf of personal injury clients in Texas.
  • Attorney Justin Hill has won numerous awards and accolades for excellence in law, including being named to America’s Top 100 Personal Injury Attorneys by America’s Top 100 LLC.
  • We operate on a contingency fee basis. This means you won’t be charged a dime in legal services unless we secure financial compensation for your carbon monoxide poisoning case.

How an Attorney Can Help 

Seeking damages, or financial compensation, for a case of carbon monoxide poisoning can be difficult on your own. A lawyer can investigate the incident thoroughly to search for evidence of someone else’s negligence, or failure to use proper care, in connection to your illness. Then, the evidence obtained can be used to build a strong claim to damages on your behalf. An attorney has the skill and resources to gather evidence, hire highly qualified experts, negotiate a fair settlement or go to trial for you, if necessary, while you heal from your illness.

What Is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning? 

Carbon monoxide poisoning is an illness caused by the inhalation of CO, a gas that is released from the inefficient burning of fuel. Inhaling an excessive amount of CO – which is colorless, tasteless and odorless – can cause injury by decreasing the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to body tissues.  

Prolonged exposure to CO without detection and treatment could lead to internal damage, organ failure, brain damage and death. The signs of CO poisoning can include dizziness, nausea, headache, confusion and unconsciousness.

Liability for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in New Braunfels

Elevated levels of carbon monoxide gas can enter the air due to incomplete combustion. Faulty, defective or improperly installed gas-burning and wood-burning appliances may produce excess CO, resulting in a buildup of this dangerous gas in an enclosed space.

Common causes of CO poisoning include:

  • Product design, manufacturing and marketing defects
  • Faulty furnaces and heaters
  • Blocked chimneys or vents
  • Inadequate ventilation of combustion byproducts
  • Poorly working generators
  • Heating system malfunctions
  • Inadequate equipment maintenance

Property owners and controllers – such as landlords and hotel owners – may be held financially responsible or liable for CO leaks caused by issues such as failing to address known hazards, maintain equipment and provide working CO detectors. In other cases, the manufacturer of a defective product may be held liable with a product liability lawsuit.

Contact an Experienced New Braunfels Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Attorney Today 

If you or someone you love has suffered carbon monoxide poisoning in New Braunfels, Texas, contact the attorneys at Hill Law Firm to discuss a potential personal injury claim. You may be eligible for compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and other losses. We care about our clients and will work tirelessly to achieve the case results that you need. Call us today at (210) 762-4396 or contact us online to schedule your free case review.

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