Laredo Work Injury Attorney

A day on the job should not end in a trip to the hospital with serious and potentially life-threatening injuries. Unfortunately, employer negligence and dangerous work environments lead to injuries and illnesses for workers in Texas every year. At Hill Law Firm, our Laredo work injury attorney represents employees who have been injured in all types of workplace disasters.

Our attorneys can help you determine your legal options and take action to recover financial compensation after a harmful workplace accident. With a Laredo personal injury case and/or workers’ compensation claim, you may receive payment for your lost wages, medical expenses and other losses connected to the incident. Contact us for a free consultation about your recent work injury.

Laredo Workplace Injury Resources

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Why Choose Our Attorney?
What Makes Work Injury Cases Complicated?
How We Can Assist You
What Evidence Can Help During a Work Injury Case?
Liability for Work Injuries
What Is the Applicable Statute of Limitations?
Call an Attorney Today

Laredo Work Injury Attorney

Why Choose Our Laredo Work Injury Attorney?

  • We have experience. Our attorneys have handled a wide variety of workplace injury cases, including oil and gas accidents, chemical exposures, defective equipment, construction accidents and falling objects.
  • We are trial attorneys. The ability to take a work injury case to court in Laredo can force an insurance company to offer a fair and reasonable settlement. If not, we can take the defendant or insurer to trial.
  • We are affordable. Our Laredo work injury attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning we won’t charge you anything for our services until and unless we secure financial compensation for your losses.

What Makes Work Injury Cases Complicated?

Injuries that take place at work are different from standard personal injury claims. If your employer has workers’ compensation insurance, this type of claim could provide you with no-fault insurance benefits. This means you do not have to prove that someone else’s negligence caused your injury to qualify for compensation. Once you accept a workers’ comp settlement, however, you give up the ability to file a claim against your employer for negligence.

In addition, your work injury case may involve special federal laws, industry regulations and corporate policies. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires all employers in the country to abide by specific rules and safety requirements. Your claim may also involve multiple parties and insurance policies. You may be able to hold your employer, a product manufacturer, a coworker, a contractor and other parties accountable for your work injury in Laredo, depending on the circumstances.

How Our Laredo Work Injury Lawyer Can Help

It can be difficult to handle a work injury case in Texas on your own. Your employer or an insurance corporation may try to avoid paying you the amount that you are owed for a severe injury or illness. An attorney will carefully review your case, give it an accurate evaluation and help you pursue maximum financial compensation for the full extent of your losses.

An experienced lawyer can revisit the scene of your work accident, interview eyewitnesses, review surveillance footage, obtain copies of accident reports, and consult with your doctors to prove your claim and search for evidence of negligence or fault. Then, your lawyer can fill out and submit confusing claims paperwork on your behalf. You can concentrate on healing while a lawyer advocates for your rights and best interests throughout every step of the legal process.

What Evidence Can Help During a Work Injury Case?

Even if you file a workers’ compensation claim in Texas, you will need to support the claim with proof. You must show that you have been diagnosed with an injury or illness, and that you were working or performing tasks within the course and scope of employment at the time of your injury. If you wish to bring a personal injury case against your employer or a third party, you will also need to provide evidence of negligence. The evidence that may be useful during your claim includes:

  • Medical records
  • X-rays
  • Treatment plans
  • Hospital or emergency room bills
  • Accident report
  • Employment documents
  • Wage statements
  • Photographs and videos
  • Eyewitness statements
  • Copies of communications with your employer

Any records or information related to your work injury and what followed (e.g., reporting the accident to your employer and seeking medical care) could serve as evidence during your injury claim. When you contact an attorney at Hill Law Firm, we can search for, preserve and collect evidence for you. We can collect copies of important records and documents to help you prove a claim against the defendant(s).

Liability for Laredo Work Injuries

Holding someone legally and financially responsible, or liable, for your work injury in Laredo requires an understanding of who or what caused your accident. An investigation may be necessary to identify its cause and the parties to name in your claim. Liable parties may include:

  • Your employer
  • A company or business
  • A product or equipment manufacturer
  • A property owner
  • A contractor or subcontractor
  • A customer or client
  • A vendor
  • A motorist

The person or party that is responsible for your work injury will depend on the circumstances. Identifying multiple at-fault parties can be beneficial, as this will give you more insurance coverage to help you pay for your current and future losses.

What Is the Applicable Statute of Limitations?

The statute of limitations is an important law to know if you wish to file a claim for a work injury in Laredo. This law places a strict deadline on your right to pursue financial compensation for a personal injury or the wrongful death of a loved one. Statutes of limitations change from state to state. In Texas, the statute of limitations on a work injury case is typically two years from the date that the accident occurred. Likewise, the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in Laredo is two years from the fatal accident that cost your loved one their life.

There are other deadlines, however, if you are pursuing a workers’ comp claim. For example, you only have 30 days from the date of your accident or the date that you discovered your injury or illness to report it to your employer. If your workers’ compensation insurance claim gets denied, you must file a claim with the Texas Division of Workers’ Compensation no later than one year after the date of injury or discovery.

Speak to an Laredo Work Injury Lawyer Today

Getting hurt at work could lead to temporary or long-term unemployment, lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Help is available at Hill Law Firm. Our attorneys will help you determine who or what caused your work injury in Laredo and list your legal options. If you are eligible for financial compensation, we can help you with all of the necessary processes for seeking a fair payout. Contact us today at (210) 960-3939 or by sending us an online message to request a free case consultation.

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